
Thursday, December 29, 2011

It stinks in here

Ugh, I've got robo-nose to the extreme.  I pretty much always have a pretty good sense of smell, but when pregnant, I can't get away from it.

We have a cat food dish within 10 feet of where I sit for most of the day.  And unfortunately, it has to stay where it is.

You see, it has a prescription kibble in it for the one cat that gets a lot of UTI's (which he currently has one and has been peeing in new and interesting places, but that's another story).  It's ok if most of the other cats get into it, except for the one that's diabetic.  She has the opposite bladder problems so if she ate this food, it would make her sick.

So for over a year, we've been trying to figure out how to keep the food available to one, but not the other.  So we finally figured it out last week.  The UTI kitty likes to sit up on one of the cat trees.  Well the diabetic cat can hardly get her ass as high as the couch.  She just doesn't climb at all.  So we put the UTI food up in the cat tree where he now goes to eat, which is in the corner of my office so I get to smell it all day.

And I don't like air fresheners.  I'll use one if I have to, but I'd rather not.  It's just covering one icky smell with another.

But a couple of years ago, I made these garlic dishes.  Small dishes and the bottom is serrated.  Apparently you're supposed to grate the garlic on the serrated part and then put in oil so it becomes a dip for bread or something.

They've been sitting in a drawer untested all this time.

I grabbed an orange from the fridge, and swirled it around in the dish, and I now have the lovely scent of orange zest sitting on my desk!  And whenever the kibble starts to win, I just zest a different spot.  And when I run out of that, I cut up the orange.

I'm hoping to get 2-3 days of fresh smell out of this.  I'm feeling kind of brilliant and smug at the moment.


  1. Its a really good idea. When I was pregnant, Jasper's cat food made me ill just to open it up.

  2. Great idea! I was going to suggest a good Yankee candle in a non-overpowering scent (Clean cotton or something like that) but orange works!

  3. Great idea! I was going to suggest a good Yankee candle in a non-overpowering scent (Clean cotton or something like that) but orange works!


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